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07949 629750
Street Dance Clubs @
Oakham C of E


(Year 3 to 6)
12.00 – 12.25


(Year R, 1 & 2)
12.25 – 12.50

Term Dates – 6th November to 18th December (7 weeks)

These fun filled classes will teach your young dancer all the basics of street dance.  We will help dancers to develop their rhythm, musicality, dance technique and confidence and we guarantee you will make some new friends along the way!

Classes will be with our highly experienced coaches from RYDA and cost £3.50 per week.  Fees are paid in termly blocks and dates are as follows:-


Term Dates – 6th November to 18th December (7 weeks)

7 weeks in total – £24.50

Please fill in the contact form below to sign your son/daughter up to class. You will be sent out payment details after you have completed this form and should make payment by bank transfer before your first class.

Any queries please email or call 07949 629750


    STUDENT DETAILS (required)

    CLASS SELECTION (required)
    I would like to reserve a place for the above student in the following weekly class at Oakham C of E

    Wednesday - KS1Wednesday - KS2

    ADDRESS (required)



    Terms and Conditions

    By completing and returning this form I understand that I am signing my child up for weekly classes. I agree to pay the termly fee online via bank transfer for every term he/she attends. Fees will be paid prior to attending class.

    Every now and again we like to photograph classes to show progress and share success. Any public performances are also photographed and most often filmed. Names of students or any other personal information will NOT be linked to our images. Images and videos may be used in future marketing (Please see our Privacy Policy for further info)

    If you wish to, you can sign up to our mailing list at RYDA to keep upto date with classes and events. This can only be done by you completing the mailchimp sign up process to 'opting in' to our mailing list - we are not able to add you ourselves due to GDPR. Once you click SEND below you will be taken to a new page titled 'Complete Registration'. By re-entering your name and email address you will be added to our mailing list. THIS IS A DOUBLE OPT IN PROCESS - Please then look out for an email from mailchimp which will ask you to 'opt in' to our list and ensure you complete the process.

    Your information will be kept by mailchimp on the RYDA database and used for future correspondence only. Details will NOT be passed on to third parties.

    Please check the box below to agree to our terms and conditions above

    I agree

    You can view our Privacy Policy Here.

    Back To Top
    5:30-6:30pm - Advanced Street Dance
    6:45-7:45pm - Advanced Contemporary
    8:00-9:00pm - Adults Street Dance
    4:30-5:30pm - Beginners Street Dance
    5:45-6:45pm - Beginners Musical Theatre
    7:00-8:00pm - RYDA Stars Extra Session
    4:30-5:30pm - Intermediate Street Dance
    5:45-6:45pm - Intermediate Contemporary