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RYDA at Spotlight 2024


We are incredibly proud to announce that we are running the 20th Spotlight Dance Show this year, featuring Rutland Primary Schools and Rutland Youth Dance Academy students. The dates for the Primary Performances are Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th March at the Corn Exchange Theatre, Stamford.

Looking for Photos and Testimonials…
For this big Anniversary, we want to put together a truly memorable show and accompanying programme to match. For this to happen we’d really like your input! If you or someone you know has been involved in a Spotlight show over the years, we are looking for photos, testimonials and written memories of your Spotlight experience from past performers and staff! Please could you spread the word far and wide to start the search for photos from previous shows that might make it into our Anniversary Programme or even be seen on-screen… All we ask is for photos and any memories or testimonials you’d like to share to be uploaded via the Spotlight website – It can be done in seconds but will add so much value to this years celebration!

Event Details 

I hope you can appreciate a lot of preparation is required, therefore, with your permission, we would like all performers to spend some time at the theatre to go through final rehearsals, light and sound organisation and dress rehearsals prior to the Evening performance.

Times for Rehearsal

Providing we have permission from yourselves and your school, your child will be taken to the Theatre for one day of rehearsals at the venue.  This should not affect drop off or collection times from the normal school day. If you could notify your child’s school that your son/daughter will be involved in the event, they may have procedures in place to authorize an absence for your child. You may need to fill in a request form or similar. We will also be making contact with your child’s school to discuss plans for rehearsals.

The following RYDA groups will rehearse at the Theatre during the day on Monday 25th March –

Groups involved in SHOW 2 – Musical Theatre Class, Primary Contemporary, Year 5 & 6 Street Dance, Bringhurst Year 1-3 & Bringhurst Year 4-6

The following RYDA groups will rehearse at the Theatre during the day on Tuesday 26th March –

Groups involved in SHOW 1 – Year R/1/2 Street Dance (Monday), Year 1/2 Street Dance (Tuesday), Year 3 & 4 Street Dance

If your child’s school is also attending the event and involved in the same show, RYDA students will be taken to the Theatre with other dances and teachers from school. Where this is not possible, RYDA students will be collected from school by bus, taken to rehearsals by RYDA staff and returned before the end of the school day.  These exact arrangements for transport, collection and times will be confirmed as soon as possible.

Evening show/Drop off Procedures

All performers will need to arrange their own transport to and from the evening performances and will perform in BOTH SHOWS on Tuesday & Wednesday unless otherwise arranged.  All dancers should arrive at the theatre no later than 30 mins prior to their respective start time.

Arrive 5pm – Show Start 5.30pm – Year R/1/2 Street Dance (Monday), Year 1/2 Street Dance (Tuesday), Year 3 & 4 Street Dance, 

Show Two
Arrive 7pm – Show Start 7.30pm – Musical Theatre Class, Primary Contemporary, Year 5 & 6 Street Dance, Bringhurst Year 1-3 & Bringhurst Year 4-6

RYDA Performers will need to be handed over to an RYDA Chaperone at our meeting point which will be on Broad Street outside Willoughby’s and Barclay Bank.  I will show all students where this is so that they can show you at drop off.  After the evening performance, dancers can be collect from this same point. Any parents who are not watching the show should be at the collection point at 6.30pm (Show One) or 8.30pm (Show 2).

Bringhurst – Bringhurst dancers will be given information about drop off and collection location and times by school so please look out for this.


The Theatre will be selling tickets for all Spotlight Shows.  Ticket Price – £8 adult, £4 Junior (under 16) & Concession. We are also offering a £10 ticket which covers both Show 1 and Show 2 for the Primary, for any child who may be performs in both shows. You can get your tickets in any of the following ways

  1. Buy direct from the Box Office at the theatre – Cash payment –  £8 Adults, £4 child
  2. Via Phone from the Box Office (01780 766455) – Same prices as above
  3. Online purchase via – Same price as above.


PLEASE NOTE – Parking can be difficult close to the theatre so you will need to plan accordingly and arrive in Stamford earlier than usual to secure parking.  There is public parking at North Street car park and Scotgate car park which are both nearby alongside other town parking facilities.

Performers License

We are required by law to provide your son/daughters name, dob, address and school to the local authority on application of a performers license for this event.  The purpose of the license is to ensure children’s safety as there is alcohol on sale at the event and to confirm children are not being paid to perform.  The relevant local authority will hold this information on record for a minimum of 6 months and will not share this information with third parties.


Please go to to check what your son/daughter will need to wear for costume.  There is generally no charge or a minimal charge for these and most are things you will need to source.

Please complete the form below to consent to your son/daughter taking part in the event and provide emergency contact details. 

If your son/daughter does not want to or is unable to attend they are still very welcome at class this term but please do let me know as soon as possible by emailing me at

    In the case of an emergency please contact the following

    I consent to my child named above attending the relevant dress rehearsal for Spotlight Dance Festival and taking part in performances on Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th March 2024.

    If travelling by bus to rehearsals I understand they will be transported with other dancers from RYDA and chaperoned by a member of the RYDA team.

    My performer will make their own way to the Theatre on Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th March and arrive 30 minutes prior to their performance starting.

    I understand the local authority (Rutland and Lincolnshire) will hold relevant information about my child's involvement in the event with reference to licensing.

    *Required Field

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    5:30-6:30pm - Advanced Street Dance
    6:45-7:45pm - Advanced Contemporary
    8:00-9:00pm - Adults Street Dance
    4:30-5:30pm - Beginners Street Dance
    5:45-6:45pm - Beginners Musical Theatre
    7:00-8:00pm - RYDA Stars Extra Session
    4:30-5:30pm - Intermediate Street Dance
    5:45-6:45pm - Intermediate Contemporary