Venue: English Martyrs Catholic Voluntary Academy, Willow Crescent, Oakham.
Hazard Description | Consequences | Level of Risk | Who is at Risk | Controls | Responsible |
Spread of COVID-19 | Spread of Virus | Medium/High (dependant on R rate) | All Users | Thorough COVID-19 procedure in place to minimise risk of infection including the use of smaller groups to allow for 2m social distancing
At English Martyrs the hall has floor space of 8.5 x 13 metres. This allows for a maximum of 24 people including the instructor with adequate social distancing.
Queuing system in place. Students arriving to form a distanced line on the path of the layby parking area. Meet teacher and enter space as a group.
No parents/carers allowed on site;
Hands to be sanitised on entry to the building.
No bags, only water bottles to be allowed into the venue. These will be placed at distance to one another around the edge of the space.
Spaces to be marked out on the floor in tape or with sticky floor markers prior to each session – used for students throughout the class with the exception of drinks breaks.
End of class, students to be led back to the entrance as a group. Year 6 and under to be seen to a parent on exit outside of the building
There will be no changing facilities on site, toilet facilities will be available
RYDA staff trained in COVID-19 procedure to ensure safeguards are in place
No one with COVID-19 or suffering symptoms allowed on site
Before and after use, RYDA will clean contact points with antibacterial wipes. These wipes contain isopropyl alcohol, gylcerin, parfum, propylene glycol, benzalkanium chloride, citric acid, EDTA. Other cleaning to be arranged by English Martyrs.
To keep indoor spaces well ventilated windows will be opened during sessions
15 minutes down time between classes to reduce congestion of parents picking up, managed entrance and exit of students effectively and to help air quality and ventilation
Any equipment bought in and used by RYDA for one group alone, or thoroughly cleaned between groups by staff
Track and trace system in operation so that any potential cases can be isolated immediately. Details of all those in attendance to be forwarded to relevant parties. |
All staff, students and their parents/guardians |
Users not following COVID-19 Procedure | Spread of Virus | Low | All Users | All our team fully briefed on new ‘rules’ we must follow both before joining and upon arrival at site
Checks made by RYDA and English Martyrs that we are following procedures safely and if not following procedures RYDA may be asked to leave premises
We will use appropriate signage and child-friendly posters and images which remind students of new procedures (i.e. catch it, kill it, bin it. Social distancing. Hand washing etc)
Individual assessments and monitored ‘trials’ for any children with individual support needs that may result in breaking social distancing (i.e. potentially violent children and SEND students)
All staff, students and their parents/guardians |
Spread of COVID-19 through Physical Activity including dance and high-energy games | Spread of Virus | Medium/High (dependant on R rate) | All Users | Increased Social distancing measures implemented (2m+) – via floor markings or mitigate risk by using masks, bubbles or screens.
Maximum capacity in space based on size – 24 including instructor.
Regular rest and water breaks controlling students heart rates and breathing Opening of windows to ensure room is already well ventilated
Rest times for air to settle between classes
Staff and Management |
Spread of COVID-19 through Singing Activity | Spread of Virus | Medium/High (dependant on R rate) | All Users | Government advice is that group singing can now take place with controls and social distancing in place.
Groups no bigger than 30 in one space. Maintain 2m social distancing. Vulnerable people encouraged to wear protective face shield.
Teachers who must project to teach singing will wear face shield, increase social distancing and ensure space is well ventilated
Staff and Management |
First Aid, Medical or Isolation | Spread of Virus | Medium | All Users | PPE to be worn if social distancing must be reduced to provide first aid or medical intervention
Staff member chaperoning any student needed to be isolated must socially distance and wear PPE
RYDA Staff up to date with COVID specific training, safeguarding and first aid certificates. Fully equipped with PPE and first aid supplies in case of any medical treatment being administered.
Any incidents on site to be reported to English Martyrs and documented accordingly.
Staff and Management |