Returning to Class
We are incredibly pleased to be able to reopen our RYDA classes from 14th September 2020!
In conjunction with the UK government guidelines, we have been working hard to ensure we have done everything we can to prepare for your return. There will be some changes to your classes, however all have been designed to ensure the safety of our teachers and dancers.
Please keep reading for more information about what to expect: –
Our Classes
- Please do not arrive for your class more than 10 minutes early
- Do not bring bags with you, just a water bottle will be permitted
- In some classes there will be reduced class sizes to comply with recommended 2 metre social distancing
- Marked spaces will be on the floor in venues to facilitate social distancing
- It will be necessary to sanitise your hands on entry to your class venue
- Class length will be changed to 45 minutes. This is to avoid congestion and allow for safe exit and entry to the venues. This will also allow for ventilation of the space between groups.
Our Venues
- Arrive to the venue ready to dance – with the exception of Catmose School students changing rooms will not be in use, toilet facilities will be available
- There will be queuing systems implemented to ensure smooth entry and exit of the venues
- One-way systems have been implemented around the buildings with specific entry and exit points
- We can confirm that increased cleaning regimes are in place throughout the buildings that we use for classes
You will receive full details on your specific venue, times, entrances and exits and all other information you need on booking your class.
Of course, we will continue to do everything we can to lessen the risk, however we also ask you as our customers to be responsible and stay alert to protect yourselves and our team.
If you, or anyone you know have felt unwell or have symptoms of COVID-19, do NOT come to class. Stay at home and go to for further advise
All payments will now be made online via our website
For any booking enquiries or any further questions, please contact us at or on 07949 629750.
If you would lik to see a copy of our risk assessments for each of our sites you can do so by clicking the links below.
Risk Assessment – RYDA at English Martyrs
Risk Assessment – RYDA at Catmose College (Stevenage Leisure)
We look forward to welcoming you back to class soon!